Medicina Sportiva, a publication of Romanian Sports Medicine Society, is a quarterly, peer reviewed journal which publishes original research, reviews and case reports on all areas of sports medicine and exercise science (exercise physiology, sports biomechanics, sports biochemistry, sports nutrition, diseases and exercise, sports injuries and sports traumatology, kinesiology and kinetotherapy).
The journal includes editorials, reviews, original papers, clinical studies, news in sport medicine and exercise science. Medicina Sportiva is currently indexed
Manuscript Preparation
All manuscripts must be submitted in English. Manuscripts are considered if they are submitted only to Medicina Sportiva and therefore should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in part or in whole. Only the authors are responsible for the scientific context and legal aspects of the articles.
Reviews include theoretical and practical aspects that must to be report to actual researches in sport medicine. Size: the article must to have no more then 12 pages. Format: the text must to be compact and can have a few subtitles.
Original papers include fundamentals research and clinical research regarding diagnostic and treatment. Size: 8-10 pages, 4-5 imagining documents (graphics, images, etc.). Format: the text must to be structure in introduction (present stage of the research), aim and scope of study, material and method, results, discussion, conclusions (must to present personal conclusions).
Case reports include specific clinical cases that provide relevant information on diagnosis and therapy of a particular case that proves unique to clinical sports medicine. Content: clinical aspects and researches regarding morphologic evaluation and clinic assessment, therapeutic conclusions and evolution. Size: 3-5pages, 1-2 original demonstrations and researches. Format: case report, discussion and comparative study in report with actualities studies.
Organization of the manuscript
Each manuscript should follow the sequence:
Authors and affiliation
Abstract and Keywords
Main text (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion)
Corresponding author
Authors’ details
Text style of the manuscript
All manuscripts must to be edited in MS Word:
- page setup format A4, all margins at 2cm on all sides, single line spacing;
- font style Times New Roman, without capital letter,
- size:
14 for title (bold),
12 for authors (regular),
12 for affiliation (italic)
10 for abstract (regular),
10 for key words (italic),
11 for main text and (regular),
10 for references (regular, except the title of books and journals which will be written italic);
- paragraph:
indentation = 0,
alignment left for title, authors, affiliation, key words and justified for abstract, main text, acknowledgements and references;
line spacing = single, column = one.
Tables, Figures and Schemes are to be typed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Ensure that each illustration or table has a caption attached, which should comprise a brief title and a description. Explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Units of measurement, symbols and abbreviations must conform to international standards. Do not imbed figures or tables into the text.
The tables, figures and schemes must be in the final published size, not oversized. Illustrations and tables that have appeared elsewhere must be accompanied by written permission to reproduce them from the original publishers. This is necessary even if you are an author of the borrowed material. Borrowed material should be acknowledged in the captions in the exact wording required by the copyright holder. If not specified, use this style: “Reproduced by kind permission of . . . (publishers) from . . . (reference)”. Identifiable clinical photographs must be accompanied by written permission from the patient.
The first time an abbreviation appears in the text, it should be preceded by the words for which it stands.
Title: should be simple, concise and informative. Capitalize the first word only.
Author names should appear as used for conventional publication, with first and middle names or initials followed by surname. If multiple authors have the same affiliation, one listing of the affiliation should be used, preceded by the full list of those authors on the line above.
Abstract: begin the section with the word Abstract in bold font. The authors prepare a structured abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract should be an explicit summary of the paper and must include (at least) four headings: aim,
methods, results, conclusion.
Key words. Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 3–6 keywords. Key words should refer to the terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of MEDLINE/PubMed.
Acknowledgments should be included before the References section.
References: in the text identify references by Arabic numeral in brackets, using Oxford system. The list of references should include only those publications witch are cited in the text. References should be presented in consecutive order as they are cited in the text. References should be cited in the text by placing sequential numbers in brackets (for example, (1), (3-5)). The four six authors should be presented. No more than 30 references will be accepted.
a) Journals: name of authors, initial of surname, years of publish in brackets, title of paper, title of periodical (italic), volume, page (Ryder, JW, Bassel Duby R, Olson EN, Zierath, JR (2003). Skeletal muscle reprogramming by activation
of calcineurin improves insulin action on metabolic pathways. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 298 304);
b) Books: name of authors, years of publish in brackets, title of papers or capitol, title of book or monograph (italic), editors, city, pages (Booth FW, Baldwin KM (1995). Muscle plasticity: energy demanding and supply processes. In: Handbook of physiology. Rowell LB, Shepherd JT (eds). Oxford University Press, New York, pp 1076-1121).
c) Proceedings: name of authors, initial of surname, years of publish in brackets, title of paper, title of periodical (italic),
editors, city, pages.
Corresponding author should contain all information necessary for an effective correspondence (postal addresses, e-mail, fax and telephone number).
Authors’ detailsIt
must include a brief biography, approximately 70 words per author, for each author including academic title/degrees, institution affiliation, research focus, e-mail address.
Ethical standardsResearch
carried out on humans must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, adopted by the 18th World Medical Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, June 1964 and any experimental research on animals must follow internationally recognized guidelines.
submitting a manuscript to our journal, each author explicitly confirms that the manuscript meets the highest ethical standards for authors and coauthors. The manuscript should contain a statement that has been
approved by the appropriate ethical committees related to the institution(s) in which it was performed and that subjects gave informed consent to the work.
Studies involving experiments with animals must state that their care was in accordance with institution guidelines.
Patients' and volunteers' names, initials, and hospital numbers should not be used. In a case report, the subject's written consent should be provided. It is the author's responsibility to ensure all appropriate consents have been obtained. Patients have a right to privacy. Therefore identifying information, including patients images, names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be included in videos, recordings, written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and you have obtained written informed consent for publication in print and electronic form
from the patient (or parent, guardian or next of kin where applicable). If such consent is made subject to any conditions, Universitaria Publisher must be made aware of all such conditions. Written consents must be provided to Universitaria Publisher on request. Even where consent has been given, identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic pedigrees, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning and editors should so note. If such consent has not been obtained, personal details of patients included in any part of the paper and in any supplementary materials (including all illustrations and videos) must be removed before submission.
Copyright agreementManuscripts are welcomed from all countries, and may be submitted for consideration on the understanding that they have not been previously published elsewhere, either in print or electronically, and that they are not under consideration by any other publisher.
Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Authors are required to ensure that no material submitted as part of a manuscript infringes existing copyrights, or the rights of a third party.
The author who submits the manuscript for publication should ensure that all coauthors are included on the paper, and that all coauthors have seen the final version of the article and have agreed to its submission for publication.
Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. The authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Articles published in Medicina Sportiva may not be published elsewhere without written permission from the publisher.
ATTENTION! The editors of the Journal Medicina Sportiva aren't responsible for the legal aspects of publishing. In the moment of the sending the manuscript to Medicina Sportiva, only the authors of the manuscripts are responsible for the scientific context and legal aspects of publishing the manuscript (copyright, plagiarism, permission from other publishers, authors etc).
The Editorial and Peer Review ProcessAll papers
submitted to Medicina Sportiva are subject to peer review. Manuscripts must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication, before or during the peer-review process. Upon receipt of a manuscript the editor will notify the corresponding author that the submission has been received.
Received manuscripts are first examined by the Medicina Sportiva editors. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication are rejected. Manuscripts not prepared in the advised
style will be sent back to authors without scientific review.
The manuscript will undergo a blinded review process. Under this process the editor will forward (electronically) the manuscript to two independent reviewers, members of the Scientific Board.
The editors encourage authors to suggest the names of potential reviewers, but they reserve the right of final selection. Normally the review process will take approximately 8 weeks.
After the review process has been completed the main author will be notified via e-mail either of acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript. If revision was recommended, this should be completed and returned to the editor within 2 weeks.
Editors may make necessary changes to
articles in accordance with guidelines for authors.
Authors' rightsAs an author you (or your employer or institution) may do the following:
• make copies (electronic) of the article for your own personal use, including for your own classroom teaching use
• present the article at a meeting or conference and to distribute copies of the article to the delegates attending such a meeting
• for your employer, if the article is a “work for hire”, made within the scope of your employment, your employer may use all or part of the information in the article for other intra-company use (e.g., training)
• retain patent and trademark rights and rights to any processes or procedure described in the article
• include the article in full or in part in a thesis or dissertation (provided that this is not to be published commercially)
• use the article or any part thereof in a printed compilation of your works, such as collected writings or lecture notes (subsequent to publication of your article in the journal)
• prepare other derivative works, to extend the article into book-length form, or to otherwise re-use portions or excerpts in other works, with full acknowledgement of its original publication in the journal.