Numerical simulations and experimental flexion-extension measurements of human leg joints during squat exercises

Petcu Alin 1 , Calafetenu Dan 1 , Tarnita Danut Nicolae 2
1 Department of Applied Mechanics, University of Craiova, Romania
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, Romania


In this paper the variations of ankle, knee and hip flexion-extension angles during squat exercises of a healthy male subject were obtained using a complex data acquisition system, based on electro goniometers. Using an acquisition system based on electro-goniometers, measurements of flexion-extension angle for ankle, knee and hip joints during squat movement on a healthy subject are performed. The curves of ankle, knee and hip angles are normalized and the medium squat cycle for each leg joint are determined. The obtained experimental data series were introduced as input data in the joints of the virtual mannequin and a squat simulation was performed in ADAMS environment software. The variations of reaction forces in joints during squat are obtained by virtual simulation. The reactions forces are very useful for simulation and numerical study of stresses for healthy, affected and implanted joints and bones, using Finite Element Method.

Key words:

squat, electro goniometers, virtual mannequin, numerical simulation, reaction forces

Full article:

Numerical simulations and experimental flexion-extension measurements of human leg joints during squat exercises


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