Ioana, Farago
Monica, Birsan Simona, Cioara Felicia, Oswald Ioan Faculty
of Medicine,
University of Oradea, Romania
The post-traumatic knee
represents a pathology frequently met in sports. Being a
weight-bearing joint with important role in locomotion biomechanics,
the knee’s trauma pose complex problems for recovery.
Exploration of soft tissues using ultrasounds (echography) acquisition
represents a very useful tool for diagnosis of trauma through sports as
it offers information about certain muscles, tendons, bursa serosa. In
case of muscles` trauma, the physician relays on echography for the
differential diagnosis in an early stage, the aim being to distinguish
between accidents with injuries and accidents of purely metabolic type.
Further examination allows courts to adverse developments, highlighting
the organization of blood collection or vicious healing. In
the tendinous pathology, echography brings informations about
tendon’s intimate structure, in some cases even before
clinical and radiological examination may reveal any changes. In
the exploration of cysts and bursa serosa, echography highlights
perfectly the popliteal cysts and especially the serosa bursa which are
independent and not connected with the joint. However
echograpy has limits especially in regards to viewing meniscus and
cruciate ligaments, but even in these cases it remains useful for
differential diagnosis of the lesion, before the call to other imaging
explorations (computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance). In
conclusion, echography represents a first choice examination for
lesional diagnosis of post-traumatic knee. It allows in many situations
to establish a precise diagnosis and in other cases facilitates the
monitoring and tracing the evolution of certain complications.
Consequently the physician may propose a more effective treatment. Key
words: echography, knee, sports, trautrmatology