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"Sport Medicine Journal" No.5 - 2006

Rehabilitation aspects in do-Shotokan karate

Sergiu Pintilei, Mircea Slăvilă
National Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Chişinău
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present a rehabilitation programm using theoretical and experimental aspects of prevent programm in macro-thrauma wich occur during Karate-doShotokan trainings.

Key words: sport thrauma, physical and psyhopedagogic rehabilitation, do-Shotokan karate, rehabilitation strategies.


Physical exercises method must to have a great eficency especialy in raport with costs. For this reason is important to organize the process like the process that can respect some rulers, norms that come from social direction. In many countries martial art is a method that can involve development of personality. Karate do-Shotokan is a component that can improve spirits side, body and can produce a perfect balance between all components of personality and so is possible to development these.

During trainings and sports competitions many people go to karate do-Shotokan. They want to have high performance and this involve an increase of sports thraumas. For this reason we consider that is important toknow all aspects of thraumas and the effect in sport activity.

This research go from the first aspect in karate do Shotokan, regards direct contact, and to establish some prepares strategies in sport activity, some programms for rehabilitation and so to obtain a decrease of number the thraumas.

Objectiv of research: is to development and imporvement the rehabilitation process in karate do Shotokan using complxes strategies.

Material and method

The subjects of this study have been from Sport Club Team nr.5 Dinamo, Law University Bucharest. The age were between 14-23 years and the results of assesment of these patients has been take from Clinic Universitair Hospital Bucharest and from Orthopedic Hospital Bucharest.


After that we studied the articles from literature we can say that exist a great incidence of thrauma in do Shotokan karate because exist an important participation of force, speed, ability during direct contact. Technique prepare is responsible, in relation with the other factors, for thrauma. In this research we observed that exist a great incidence of sport accidents (74,66%) during training programms and only 24,44% during sport competitions.The most frequently are face and limbs contusions, even if they are not so sever and dont exist an important functional disabilities. Injuries at elbow, knee and ankle level involve important disabilities. We made a sreening and we observed that exist a high percent of accidents(43,8%) at lower limb, (39,62%) at upper limb, (6,22%) at head, (9,55%) at trunk.

For assesment the effect of thrauma factor in sport injuries we used two tests: depression index-where we observed 55% lower depression, 35% medium depression, 15% without depression. In this research we used a lot fo 15 karte-ka that participated to a questionair name” How can you answer at stress”.

We obtain the next result: 60% from subjects are at normal level, 35% are under the normal level and 5% present major stress for wich is important to take special measures. If is possible is important to discover early the stress and/or depression situations because so we can resolve much better this situations.

Psychologic intervention has also the role to increase the efficency of rehabilitation programm and in the same time it must to involve the increase of athlets capacity to accept pain and the therapy programm.

Association between physical therapy methods(kinetic therapy, massage) and psychopedagogic methods(relax and autotraining) had a positive effects in experimental lot.So at this lot we observed an increase of rehabilitation percent around 5-15% and a decrease with 16-28% in the number of rehabilitation days programm. Also we observed that kinetic rehabilitation (62,8%) and physiotherapy ( 13,8%), massage(17,1%) are the most important methods and acupuncture(3,2%), balneotherapy(1,1%), hydrotherapy(1%) are not usual use. Regards psychopedagogic methods, mental autotraining (41,1%), relax(21,8%), positive think(12,75%), are the most useful methods.The other methods like: respiration and relax(10,1%), sugest and autosugest(6,8%), hypnosis(2,1%), autohypnosis(4,8%). Substitute of exercises from kinetic rehabilitation programme with some karte specific exercises can improve the works of kinetotherapist and the athlets can participate much easy to rehabilitation programme. Also, if exist an individual nutrition ration is possible to obtain an increase of effort capacity and andurance, an increase of imunity and and increase of bone and muscle structure.


Analyses of results after we used all these methods for rehabilitation and psychopedagogic methods show to us that is possible to obtain some informations regards relation between physician- athlets-kinetotherapist-trainer and so we can understand much better how we can help the athlets and their pathology. Also is clearly thet is important to apply psychopedagocic methods in association with physical therapy.

77,6% specialists say that is important and is necessary to be a good colaboration between the members of sport team. But in real life and activity this colaboration dosent exist and so the efficency of rehabilitation programme can be reduce.

Scientifique aspect of this research is important because so is posible to present some strategies of rehabilitation after injuries in karate do Shotokan.

So the forst step is to assesment the presence of depression or stress failures of athlets, before we begin the rehabiliattion programme. The second step is to establish the protocol of association between physical therapy methods and psychopedagocic methods and also to substitute the kinetic exercises with specific exercises from karate. We can say that is important to present the follows strategies:

-psychopedagocic strategy for discovery depression and stress

-physical therapy strategy, kinetotherapy and massage

-rehabilitation strategy using relax and autosugest method

-rehabilitation strategy using physical exercises from karate

-rehabilitation strategy using nutrition ration and vitamins.

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